Go through the smartness with Wasteinfonet project

Genevie winward
3 min readApr 22, 2021

Wasteinfonet is a company specialized in the intelligent use of waste — SmartWaste Model, mainly in optimized waste information, waste transfer towards the creation of value in information to generate wealth.

Smart — Waste — Infonet — Projections.

Smart Waste, as we call it, generally consists of optimizing costs, organization, and continuous improvement. Studies carried out and our projections indicate that this market for the information obtained from the base and sent to the production companies will be a market of more than 1.2 trillion dollars by 2025.

A rate policy that we will implement will allow us to obtain significant profits, involve all societies to participate, generate extra income for each family, and an accessible rate for companies that will be determined by the frequency of our reports sent their requests. and standard or specific orders, allowing the entire chain to make a profit and the value to be distributed fairly.

The implementation can be in the form of specific subscriptions with tiered prices and taking into account the costs of each country and city as well as standard subscriptions with a flat rate.

Smart Waste Intelligence solutions

Our technological systems enable smart grid connectivity and specialized processing solutions in cities around the world. Our comprehensive suite of local and wide-area connectivity processing technologies bring efficiency, safety, and innovation to fast-growing urban environments. By addressing the challenges within the infrastructure of each city, waste, basically, we are helping to develop sustainable solutions that minimize the total cost of impact on the environment and position cities for the future, not just creating a “Smart Waste City Management ”, if not also a change in the garbage and

waste paradigm, and the awareness of the value of millions of dollars that we throw daily in our waste receptacles, within those millions of dollars is our information that when extracted it will represent a millionaire value.

Smart-Waste-city project around the world

Around the world, more than half of us live in cities, but cities occupy only 3% of the earth’s surface. Given the very high growth of the urban population, cities face many problems: and basically one of them is waste, it is for this reason that this information will provide and collaborate to improve each and every one of the decision-making actors. Since they will have real and precise information that will give you more support to take more accurate measures. The need to build a city adapted to the demands of the present while conserving resources for the future has given rise to the concept of a smart

the city and Wasteinfonet will be present in everything that is the contribution to sustain a healthier and less harmful natural balance for all citizens. Its purpose can be summarized in three points: improve the comfort of its inhabitants, provide more efficient information to make each decision, and preserve the environment.

For the extremely valuable information, companies will pay with our token and at the same time we will pay those who contribute for their work done in homes also using our token, this will allow a great flow of information to be transferred, giving the participants liquidity and utility to the token.

Website : https://wasteinfonet.com/
Medium : https://wasteinfonet.medium.com/
Whitepaper : https://wasteinfonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WHITEPAPER-WASTEINFONET-PDF-FILE..pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/WasteInfonet
Telegram : https://t.me/wasteinfonet1

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